(2 – 2.5)
Ready for anything.
2 - 2.5 years

Our Bumblebee Class is ready for anything. Strategically created for the development stages of 2 – 2.5-year-olds, this room provides endless opportunities for immersive exploratory play. We have a range of exciting activities and environments available, with an emphasis on emotions, social skills, and dramatic play. With open-ended spaces and resources, areas flow into one another and allow for a range of free-play activities.
Role modelling on a new level.
Embracing the “big kid” desire
This is a time in your child’s life where they realise they’re not babies anymore — they’re “big kids”! They want to be just like you, and you may have already noticed yourself mirrored in your child’s behaviour and play. The Bumblebee class provides many opportunities for role modelling. Our dramatic play areas help your child express and communicate their feelings and ideas in a safe, fun, and creative way.
We also prioritise emotions and relationships a little more in this age bracket. Children are becoming more aware of their peers, and starting to develop strong social skills like sharing, communicating, and developing their first friendships.
Real-life role playing with a home corner, doctor’s surgery, dentist, hair salon, zoo, and more.
Dress-ups with Montessori dressing frames, including authentic buttons, zips, velcro, and snaps to develop coordination and concentration.
Communication avenues like music, movement, dance, art, puppetry, storytelling, and more, to help children express emotions.
Regular appearances from Larry and Lexi, who role model how to manage feelings and express emotions in safe and healthy ways.
Sensory sand trays for exploring mark-making with fingers, sticks, and paint brushes. Trays are used individually and in pairs — Educators work alongside partners, introducing them to each other’s space.
A quiet corner where children can unwind with books, Larry and Lexi dolls, or their own comforter. Children often enjoy sitting and observing while they take a little break and choose what to play with next.
Blocks and Duplo Lego for building independently or with a friend. This is a multipurpose tool, providing moments to teach colours, shapes, sharing, counting, and sorting.
Magnifying glasses, light boxes, and our old-fashioned overhead projector give children a chance to engage with something they may not have access to at home.
It’s even better in person.
See for yourself
This is just a taste of what to expect — we’d love to show you and your little one around in person. We’re also always open to feedback, so if you’d like to see something else in the Bumblebee room, let us know!