Ascolta Early Learning and Care Woodlands opens at 6:30am and closes at 6:00pm. Children can be dropped off and picked up at any time during those hours. However, just remember that you’ll pay per day, so even if your child is only with us for half a day, you’ll still pay for a full day.
You’re welcome to choose the days best suit your family’s lifestyle and day-to-day arrangements — we’ll always do our best to accommodate the days you need. We also offer casual days as we know circumstances can change and you may find yourself requiring extra help. If you’re unwell, have an appointment, or just feel like having a child-free day, simply get in touch to book an extra day.
Face-to-face communication with our Educators, is part of our daily ritual. We love talking to families in person, however, we can also communicate via what works best for you, phone, email, or our App ‘Early Works’.
Throughout the day, you’ll receive pictures or videos of your child, and we’ll share some of the things they have been learning on the ‘Early Works’ App. Our parents love seeing their children having a great time with their friends and trying new things at Ascolta Early Learning and Care Woodlands !
Your child will need a hat, change of clothes and a drink bottle. If your child sleeps with us please provide a sleeping bag or blanket for nap time. If your child has a special comfort toy or dummy you are welcome to bring every day. For children who drink either formula or expressed milk please pack what they need each day. It is important you inform staff on arrival how much they drink and at what times they take it. All your child’s personal items must clearly named.
We provide nappies, cot sheets, morning and afternoon tea, lunch, and sunscreen.
We provide delicious, healthy food that fuels children’s bodies and promotes optimal growth and development. Our menu exposes children to a variety of flavours and textures, and helps educate them on the importance of eating healthy food.
We work with Nourished Beginnings to ensure we provide a well-balanced menu that caters to every child and team member. To keep things exciting for our children, the menu changes every week — see this week’s menu here.